78.56 - Metals mining and milling operations.
- 78.56.010 - Intent.
- 78.56.020 - Definitions.
- 78.56.030 - Operations subject to this chapter and other requirements.
- 78.56.040 - Disclosures required with state environmental policy act checklist -- Public inspection of information.
- 78.56.050 - Environmental impact statement required -- Mitigation measures to be part of permit requirements -- Department of ecology to cooperate with affected local governments.
- 78.56.060 - Metals mining coordinator to be appointed -- Duties.
- 78.56.070 - Quarterly inspections by responsible state agencies required -- Cross-training and coordination of inspections encouraged.
- 78.56.080 - Metals mining account -- Estimate of costs by department of ecology and department of natural resources -- Fee on operations to be established by department of ecology.
- 78.56.090 - Initial waste discharge permits for tailings facilities -- Siting criteria -- Primary screening process -- Technical site investigation -- Site selection report.
- 78.56.100 - Waste discharge permits for metals mining and milling operations tailing facilities -- Pollution control standards -- Waste rock management plan -- Citizen observation and verification of
- 78.56.110 - Performance security required -- Conditions -- Department of ecology authority to adopt requirements -- Liability under performance security.
- 78.56.120 - Remediation or mitigation by department of ecology -- Order to submit performance security.
- 78.56.130 - Legislative finding -- Impact analysis required for large-scale operations -- Impact fees by county legislative authority -- Application of this section -- Application of chapter 82.02
- 78.56.140 - Citizen action suits.
- 78.56.150 - Application of requirements to milling facilities not adjacent to mining operation.
- 78.56.160 - Moratorium on use of heap leach extraction process -- Joint review by department of ecology and department of natural resources -- Permanent prohibition of in situ extraction.
- 78.56.900 - Severability -- 1994 c 232.
- 78.56.901 - Effective date -- 1994 c 232 §§ 1-5, 9-17, and 23-29.
- 78.56.902 - Effective date -- 1994 c 232 §§ 6-8 and 18-22.