77.85.030 - Governor's salmon recovery office -- Purpose and duties.
Governor's salmon recovery office — Purpose and duties.
(1) The governor's salmon recovery office shall coordinate state strategy to allow for salmon recovery to healthy sustainable population levels with productive commercial and recreational fisheries. A primary purpose of the office is to coordinate and assist in the development, implementation, and revision of regional salmon recovery plans as an integral part of a statewide strategy developed consistent with the guiding principles and procedures under RCW 77.85.150.
(2) The governor's salmon recovery office is also responsible for maintaining the statewide salmon recovery strategy to reflect applicable provisions of regional recovery plans, habitat protection and restoration plans, water quality plans, and other private, local, regional, state agency and federal plans, projects, and activities that contribute to salmon recovery.
(3) The governor's salmon recovery office shall also work with regional salmon recovery organizations on salmon recovery issues in order to ensure a coordinated and consistent statewide approach to salmon recovery and shall work with federal agencies to accomplish implementation of federal commitments in the recovery plans.
(4) The governor's salmon recovery office may also:
(a) Assist state agencies, local governments, landowners, and other interested parties in obtaining federal assurances that plans, programs, or activities are consistent with fish recovery under the federal endangered species act;
(b) Act as liaison to local governments, the state congressional delegation, the United States congress, federally recognized tribes, and the federal executive branch agencies for issues related to the state's salmon recovery plans;
(c) Provide periodic reports pursuant to RCW 77.85.020;
(d) Provide, as appropriate, technical and administrative support to science panels on issues pertaining to salmon recovery;
(e) In cooperation with the regional recovery organizations, prepare a timeline and implementation plan that, together with a schedule and recommended budget, identifies specific actions in regional recovery plans for state agency actions and assistance necessary to implement local and regional recovery plans; and
(f) As necessary, provide recommendations to the legislature that would further the success of salmon recovery, including recommendations for state agency actions in the succeeding biennium and state financial and technical assistance for projects and activities to be undertaken in local and regional salmon recovery plans. The recommendations may include:
(i) The need to expand or improve nonregulatory programs and activities; and
(ii) The need for state funding assistance to recovery activities and projects.
(5) For administrative purposes, the governor's salmon recovery office is located within the recreation and conservation office.
[2009 c 345 § 2; 2007 c 444 § 3; 2005 c 309 § 4; 2000 c 107 § 93; 1999 sp.s. c 13 § 8; 1998 c 246 § 5. Formerly RCW 75.46.040.]
Notes: Finding -- 2009 c 345: "The legislature finds that:
(1) Washington has made significant investments in watershed-based activities, including the establishment of water resource inventory area (WRIA) planning units and lead agencies, lead entities, and regional salmon recovery organizations across the state. Washington watersheds have developed subbasin plans under the Northwest power and conservation council and national oceanic and atmospheric administration-approved regional salmon recovery plans that include locally prioritized salmon recovery projects;
(2) The governor's salmon recovery office was established to support the development and implementation of regional salmon recovery plans, to assist local governments in obtaining federal assurances, and to issue a biennial state of the salmon report;
(3) The salmon recovery funding board provides grants for salmon recovery and the forum on monitoring salmon recovery and watershed health works to provide greater coordination on monitoring. Administrative support for the board and the forum are provided by the recreation and conservation office;
(4) Lead entity funding to support infrastructure and capacity needs is provided through the recreation and conservation office, which contracts with the department of fish and wildlife to implement the program. Funding for WRIA planning units and lead agencies to develop and implement watershed-based plans under RCW 90.82.040 is provided by the department of ecology; and
(5) Currently, state watershed and salmon recovery-based programs are split among several state agencies or offices. Efficient implementation of these efforts will be enhanced by promoting consolidation and integration of their activities and programs. In addition, consolidation of reporting benefits the public and decision makers regarding watershed health, which includes salmon recovery. It is also the intent of the legislature, in cooperation with local and regional officials, and respecting the ability of local citizens and officials to organize in ways best suited to address local needs, to encourage the development of incentives that consolidate existing processes and promote more effective implementation of salmon recovery plans and watershed planning and implementation." [2009 c 345 § 1.]
Intent -- 2009 c 345: "Nothing in this act is intended to amend chapter 90.71 RCW." [2009 c 345 § 14.]
Effective date -- 2007 c 444 § 3: "Section 3 of this act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and takes effect June 30, 2007." [2007 c 444 § 9.]
Severability -- Effective date -- 1999 sp.s. c 13: See notes following RCW 77.85.005.