77.12.755 - Ranked inventory of fish passage barriers.

Ranked inventory of fish passage barriers.

In coordination with the department of natural resources and lead entity groups, the department must establish a ranked inventory of fish passage barriers on land owned by small forest landowners based on the principle of fixing the worst first within a watershed consistent with the fish passage priorities of the forest and fish report. The department shall first gather and synthesize all available existing information about the locations and impacts of fish passage barriers in Washington. This information must include, but not be limited to, the most recently available limiting factors analysis conducted pursuant to RCW 77.85.060(2), the stock status information contained in the department of fish and wildlife salmonid stock inventory (SASSI), the salmon and steelhead habitat inventory and assessment project (SSHIAP), and any comparable science-based assessment when available. The inventory of fish passage barriers must be kept current and at a minimum be updated by the beginning of each calendar year. Nothing in this section grants the department or others additional right of entry onto private property.

[2003 c 311 § 10.]

Notes: Findings -- Effective date -- 2003 c 311: See notes following RCW 76.09.020.