74.15.120 - Initial licenses.
Initial licenses.
The secretary of social and health services may, at his or her discretion, issue an initial license instead of a full license, to an agency or facility for a period not to exceed six months, renewable for a period not to exceed two years, to allow such agency or facility reasonable time to become eligible for full license. An initial license shall not be granted to any foster-family home except as specified in this section. An initial license may be granted to a foster-family home only if the following three conditions are met: (1) The license is limited so that the licensee is authorized to provide care only to a specific child or specific children; (2) the department has determined that the licensee has a relationship with the child, and the child is comfortable with the licensee, or that it would otherwise be in the child's best interest to remain or be placed in the licensee's home; and (3) the initial license is issued for a period not to exceed ninety days.
[1995 c 311 § 22; 1979 c 141 § 361; 1967 c 172 § 12.]