71.34.500 - Minor thirteen or older may be admitted for inpatient mental treatment without parental consent -- Professional person in charge must concur -- Written renewal of consent required.
Minor thirteen or older may be admitted for inpatient mental treatment without parental consent — Professional person in charge must concur — Written renewal of consent required.
(1) A minor thirteen years or older may admit himself or herself to an evaluation and treatment facility for inpatient mental treatment, without parental consent. The admission shall occur only if the professional person in charge of the facility concurs with the need for inpatient treatment. Parental authorization, or authorization from a person who may consent on behalf of the minor pursuant to RCW 7.70.065, is required for inpatient treatment of a minor under the age of thirteen.
(2) When, in the judgment of the professional person in charge of an evaluation and treatment facility, there is reason to believe that a minor is in need of inpatient treatment because of a mental disorder, and the facility provides the type of evaluation and treatment needed by the minor, and it is not feasible to treat the minor in any less restrictive setting or the minor's home, the minor may be admitted to an evaluation and treatment facility.
(3) Written renewal of voluntary consent must be obtained from the applicant no less than once every twelve months. The minor's need for continued inpatient treatments shall be reviewed and documented no less than every one hundred eighty days.
[2006 c 93 § 3; 2005 c 371 § 2; 1998 c 296 § 14. Formerly RCW 71.34.042.]
Notes: Finding -- Intent--Severability--2005 c 371: See notes following RCW 71.34.600.
Findings -- Intent -- Part headings not law -- Short title -- 1998 c 296: See notes following RCW 74.13.025.