71.34.410 - Liability for performance of duties under this chapter limited.

Liability for performance of duties under this chapter limited.

No public or private agency or governmental entity, nor officer of a public or private agency, nor the superintendent, or professional person in charge, his or her professional designee or attending staff of any such agency, nor any public official performing functions necessary to the administration of this chapter, nor peace officer responsible for detaining a person under this chapter, nor any *county designated mental health professional, nor professional person, nor evaluation and treatment facility, shall be civilly or criminally liable for performing actions authorized in this chapter with regard to the decision of whether to admit, release, or detain a person for evaluation and treatment: PROVIDED, That such duties were performed in good faith and without gross negligence.

[2005 c 371 § 5; 1985 c 354 § 27. Formerly RCW 71.34.270.]

Notes: *Reviser's note: The term "county-designated mental health professional" as defined in RCW 71.34.020 was changed to "designated mental health professional" by 2006 c 93 § 2.

Finding -- Intent--Severability--2005 c 371: See notes following RCW 71.34.600.