71.24.035 - Secretary's powers and duties as state mental health authority--Secretary designated as regional support network, when.
Secretary's powers and duties as state mental health authority — Secretary designated as regional support network, when.
(1) The department is designated as the state mental health authority.
(2) The secretary shall provide for public, client, and licensed service provider participation in developing the state mental health program, developing contracts with regional support networks, and any waiver request to the federal government under medicaid.
(3) The secretary shall provide for participation in developing the state mental health program for children and other underserved populations, by including representatives on any committee established to provide oversight to the state mental health program.
(4) The secretary shall be designated as the regional support network if the regional support network fails to meet state minimum standards or refuses to exercise responsibilities under RCW 71.24.045, until such time as a new regional support network is designated under RCW 71.24.320.
(5) The secretary shall:
(a) Develop a biennial state mental health program that incorporates regional biennial needs assessments and regional mental health service plans and state services for adults and children with mental illness. The secretary shall also develop a six-year state mental health plan;
(b) Assure that any regional or county community mental health program provides access to treatment for the region's residents, including parents who are respondents in dependency cases, in the following order of priority: (i) Persons with acute mental illness; (ii) adults with chronic mental illness and children who are severely emotionally disturbed; and (iii) persons who are seriously disturbed. Such programs shall provide:
(A) Outpatient services;
(B) Emergency care services for twenty-four hours per day;
(C) Day treatment for persons with mental illness which includes training in basic living and social skills, supported work, vocational rehabilitation, and day activities. Such services may include therapeutic treatment. In the case of a child, day treatment includes age-appropriate basic living and social skills, educational and prevocational services, day activities, and therapeutic treatment;
(D) Screening for patients being considered for admission to state mental health facilities to determine the appropriateness of admission;
(E) Employment services, which may include supported employment, transitional work, placement in competitive employment, and other work-related services, that result in persons with mental illness becoming engaged in meaningful and gainful full or part-time work. Other sources of funding such as the division of vocational rehabilitation may be utilized by the secretary to maximize federal funding and provide for integration of services;
(F) Consultation and education services; and
(G) Community support services;
(c) Develop and adopt rules establishing state minimum standards for the delivery of mental health services pursuant to RCW 71.24.037 including, but not limited to:
(i) Licensed service providers. These rules shall permit a county-operated mental health program to be licensed as a service provider subject to compliance with applicable statutes and rules. The secretary shall provide for deeming of compliance with state minimum standards for those entities accredited by recognized behavioral health accrediting bodies recognized and having a current agreement with the department;
(ii) Regional support networks; and
(iii) Inpatient services, evaluation and treatment services and facilities under chapter 71.05 RCW, resource management services, and community support services;
(d) Assure that the special needs of persons who are minorities, elderly, disabled, children, low-income, and parents who are respondents in dependency cases are met within the priorities established in this section;
(e) Establish a standard contract or contracts, consistent with state minimum standards, RCW 71.24.320 and 71.24.330, which shall be used in contracting with regional support networks. The standard contract shall include a maximum fund balance, which shall be consistent with that required by federal regulations or waiver stipulations;
(f) Establish, to the extent possible, a standardized auditing procedure which minimizes paperwork requirements of regional support networks and licensed service providers. The audit procedure shall focus on the outcomes of service and not the processes for accomplishing them;
(g) Develop and maintain an information system to be used by the state and regional support networks that includes a tracking method which allows the department and regional support networks to identify mental health clients' participation in any mental health service or public program on an immediate basis. The information system shall not include individual patient's case history files. Confidentiality of client information and records shall be maintained as provided in this chapter and in RCW 71.05.390, 71.05.420, and 71.05.440;
(h) License service providers who meet state minimum standards;
(i) Certify regional support networks that meet state minimum standards;
(j) Periodically monitor the compliance of certified regional support networks and their network of licensed service providers for compliance with the contract between the department, the regional support network, and federal and state rules at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner;
(k) Fix fees to be paid by evaluation and treatment centers to the secretary for the required inspections;
(l) Monitor and audit regional support networks and licensed service providers as needed to assure compliance with contractual agreements authorized by this chapter;
(m) Adopt such rules as are necessary to implement the department's responsibilities under this chapter;
(n) Assure the availability of an appropriate amount, as determined by the legislature in the operating budget by amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, of community-based, geographically distributed residential services;
(o) Certify crisis stabilization units that meet state minimum standards; and
(p) Certify clubhouses that meet state minimum standards.
(6) The secretary shall use available resources only for regional support networks, except to the extent authorized, and in accordance with any priorities or conditions specified, in the biennial appropriations act.
(7) Each certified regional support network and licensed service provider shall file with the secretary, on request, such data, statistics, schedules, and information as the secretary reasonably requires. A certified regional support network or licensed service provider which, without good cause, fails to furnish any data, statistics, schedules, or information as requested, or files fraudulent reports thereof, may have its certification or license revoked or suspended.
(8) The secretary may suspend, revoke, limit, or restrict a certification or license, or refuse to grant a certification or license for failure to conform to: (a) The law; (b) applicable rules and regulations; (c) applicable standards; or (d) state minimum standards.
(9) The superior court may restrain any regional support network or service provider from operating without certification or a license or any other violation of this section. The court may also review, pursuant to procedures contained in chapter 34.05 RCW, any denial, suspension, limitation, restriction, or revocation of certification or license, and grant other relief required to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(10) Upon petition by the secretary, and after hearing held upon reasonable notice to the facility, the superior court may issue a warrant to an officer or employee of the secretary authorizing him or her to enter at reasonable times, and examine the records, books, and accounts of any regional support network or service provider refusing to consent to inspection or examination by the authority.
(11) Notwithstanding the existence or pursuit of any other remedy, the secretary may file an action for an injunction or other process against any person or governmental unit to restrain or prevent the establishment, conduct, or operation of a regional support network or service provider without certification or a license under this chapter.
(12) The standards for certification of evaluation and treatment facilities shall include standards relating to maintenance of good physical and mental health and other services to be afforded persons pursuant to this chapter and chapters 71.05 and 71.34 RCW, and shall otherwise assure the effectuation of the purposes of these chapters.
(13) The standards for certification of crisis stabilization units shall include standards that:
(a) Permit location of the units at a jail facility if the unit is physically separate from the general population of the jail;
(b) Require administration of the unit by mental health professionals who direct the stabilization and rehabilitation efforts; and
(c) Provide an environment affording security appropriate with the alleged criminal behavior and necessary to protect the public safety.
(14) The standards for certification of a clubhouse shall at a minimum include:
(a) The facilities may be peer-operated and must be recovery-focused;
(b) Members and employees must work together;
(c) Members must have the opportunity to participate in all the work of the clubhouse, including administration, research, intake and orientation, outreach, hiring, training and evaluation of staff, public relations, advocacy, and evaluation of clubhouse effectiveness;
(d) Members and staff and ultimately the clubhouse director must be responsible for the operation of the clubhouse, central to this responsibility is the engagement of members and staff in all aspects of clubhouse operations;
(e) Clubhouse programs must be comprised of structured activities including but not limited to social skills training, vocational rehabilitation, employment training and job placement, and community resource development;
(f) Clubhouse programs must provide in-house educational programs that significantly utilize the teaching and tutoring skills of members and assist members by helping them to take advantage of adult education opportunities in the community;
(g) Clubhouse programs must focus on strengths, talents, and abilities of its members;
(h) The work-ordered day may not include medication clinics, day treatment, or other therapy programs within the clubhouse.
(15) The department shall distribute appropriated state and federal funds in accordance with any priorities, terms, or conditions specified in the appropriations act.
(16) The secretary shall assume all duties assigned to the nonparticipating regional support networks under chapters 71.05, 71.34, and 71.24 RCW. Such responsibilities shall include those which would have been assigned to the nonparticipating counties in regions where there are not participating regional support networks.
The regional support networks, or the secretary's assumption of all responsibilities under chapters 71.05, 71.34, and 71.24 RCW, shall be included in all state and federal plans affecting the state mental health program including at least those required by this chapter, the medicaid program, and P.L. 99-660. Nothing in these plans shall be inconsistent with the intent and requirements of this chapter.
(17) The secretary shall:
(a) Disburse funds for the regional support networks within sixty days of approval of the biennial contract. The department must either approve or reject the biennial contract within sixty days of receipt.
(b) Enter into biennial contracts with regional support networks. The contracts shall be consistent with available resources. No contract shall be approved that does not include progress toward meeting the goals of this chapter by taking responsibility for: (i) Short-term commitments; (ii) residential care; and (iii) emergency response systems.
(c) Notify regional support networks of their allocation of available resources at least sixty days prior to the start of a new biennial contract period.
(d) Deny all or part of the funding allocations to regional support networks based solely upon formal findings of noncompliance with the terms of the regional support network's contract with the department. Regional support networks disputing the decision of the secretary to withhold funding allocations are limited to the remedies provided in the department's contracts with the regional support networks.
(18) The department, in cooperation with the state congressional delegation, shall actively seek waivers of federal requirements and such modifications of federal regulations as are necessary to allow federal medicaid reimbursement for services provided by freestanding evaluation and treatment facilities certified under chapter 71.05 RCW. The department shall periodically report its efforts to the appropriate committees of the senate and the house of representatives.
[2008 c 267 § 5; 2008 c 261 § 3. Prior: 2007 c 414 § 2; 2007 c 410 § 8; 2007 c 375 § 12; 2006 c 333 § 201; prior: 2005 c 504 § 715; 2005 c 503 § 7; prior: 2001 c 334 § 7; 2001 c 323 § 10; 1999 c 10 § 4; 1998 c 245 § 137; prior: 1991 c 306 § 3; 1991 c 262 § 1; 1991 c 29 § 1; 1990 1st ex.s. c 8 § 1; 1989 c 205 § 3; 1987 c 105 § 1; 1986 c 274 § 3; 1982 c 204 § 4.]
Notes: Reviser's note: This section was amended by 2008 c 261 § 3 and by 2008 c 267 § 5, each without reference to the other. Both amendments are incorporated in the publication of this section under RCW 1.12.025(2). For rule of construction, see RCW 1.12.025(1).
Intent -- Findings -- 2008 c 261: See note following RCW 71.24.320.
Short title -- 2007 c 410: See note following RCW 13.34.138.
Findings -- Purpose -- Construction -- Severability -- 2007 c 375: See notes following RCW 10.31.110.
Finding -- Purpose -- Intent -- Severability -- Part headings not law -- Effective dates -- 2006 c 333: See notes following RCW 71.24.016.
Findings -- Intent -- Severability -- Application -- Construction--Captions, part headings, subheadings not law -- Adoption of rules -- Effective dates -- 2005 c 504: See notes following RCW 71.05.027.
Alphabetization--Correction of references--2005 c 504: See note following RCW 71.05.020.
Correction of references--Savings--Severability--2005 c 503: See notes following RCW 71.24.015.
Effective date -- 2001 c 334: See note following RCW 71.24.805.
Purpose -- Intent -- 1999 c 10: See note following RCW 71.24.025.
Conflict with federal requirements -- 1991 c 306: See note following RCW 71.24.015.
Effective date -- 1987 c 105: "This act is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, and safety, the support of the state government and its existing public institutions, and shall take effect July 1, 1987." [1987 c 105 § 2.]
Effective date -- 1986 c 274 §§ 1, 2, 3, 5, and 9: See note following RCW 71.24.015.