70.98.085 - Suspension and reinstatement of site use permits -- Surveillance fee.

Suspension and reinstatement of site use permits — Surveillance fee.

(1) The agency is empowered to suspend and reinstate site use permits consistent with current regulatory practices and in coordination with the department of ecology, for generators, packagers, or brokers using the Hanford low-level radioactive waste disposal facility.

     (2) The agency shall collect a surveillance fee as an added charge on each cubic foot of low level radioactive waste disposed of at the disposal site in this state which shall be set at a level that is sufficient to fund completely the radiation control activities of the agency directly related to the disposal site, including but not limited to the management, licensing, monitoring, and regulation of the site. The surveillance fee shall not exceed five percent in 1990, six percent in 1991, and seven percent in 1992 of the basic minimum fee charged by an operator of a low-level radioactive waste disposal site in this state. The basic minimum fee consists of the disposal fee for the site operator, the fee for the perpetual care and maintenance fund administered by the state, the fee for the state closure fund, and the tax collected pursuant to chapter 82.04 RCW. Site use permit fees and surcharges collected under chapter 43.200 RCW are not part of the basic minimum fee. The fee shall also provide funds to the Washington state patrol for costs incurred from inspection of low-level radioactive waste shipments entering this state. Disbursements for this purpose shall be by authorization of the secretary of the department of health or the secretary's designee.

     The agency may adopt such rules as are necessary to carry out its responsibilities under this section.

[1990 c 21 § 7; 1989 c 106 § 1; 1986 c 2 § 2; 1985 c 383 § 3.]

Notes:Issuance of site use permits: RCW 43.200.080.