70.105.240 - State preemption -- Department sole authority -- Local requirements superseded -- State authority over designated zone facilities.

State preemption — Department sole authority — Local requirements superseded — State authority over designated zone facilities.

(1) As of July 28, 1985, the state preempts the field of state, regional, or local permitting and regulating of all preempted facilities as defined in this chapter. The department of ecology is designated the sole decision-making authority with respect to permitting and regulating such facilities and no other state agency, department, division, bureau, commission, or board, or any local or regional political subdivision of the state, shall have any permitting or regulatory authority with respect to such facilities including, but not limited to, the location, construction, and operation of such facilities. Permits issued by the department shall be in lieu of any and all permits, approvals, certifications, or conditions of any other state, regional, or local governmental authority which would otherwise apply.

     (2) The department shall ensure that any permits issued under this chapter invoking the preemption authority of this section meet the substantive requirements of existing state laws and regulations to the extent such laws and regulations are not inconsistent or in conflict with any of the provisions of this chapter. In the event that any of the provisions of this chapter, or any of the regulations promulgated hereunder, are in conflict with any other state law or regulations, such other law or regulations shall be deemed superseded for purposes of this chapter.

     (3) As of July 28, 1985, any ordinances, regulations, requirements, or restrictions of regional or local governmental authorities regarding the location, construction, or operation of preempted facilities shall be deemed superseded. However, in issuing permits under this section, the department shall consider local fire and building codes and condition such permits as appropriate in compliance therewith.

     (4) Effective July 1, 1988, the department shall have the same preemptive authority as defined in subsections (1) through (3) of this section in regard to any designated zone facility that may be proposed in any jurisdiction where the designation of eligible zones pursuant to RCW 70.105.225 has not been completed and approved by the department. Unless otherwise preempted by this subsection, designated zone facilities shall be subject to all applicable state and local laws, regulations, plans, and other requirements.

[1985 c 448 § 10.]

Notes: Severability -- 1985 c 448: See note following RCW 70.105.005.