58.20.110 - Definitions.
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout RCW 58.20.110 through 58.20.220 and 58.20.901:
(1) "Committee" means the interagency federal geodetic control committee or its successor;
(2) "GRS 80" means the geodetic reference system of 1980 as adopted in 1979 by the international union of geodesy and geophysics defined on an equipotential ellipsoid;
(3) "National geodetic survey" means the national ocean service's national geodetic survey of the national oceanic and atmospheric administration, United States department of commerce, or its successor;
(4) "Washington coordinate system of 1927" means the system of plane coordinates in effect under this chapter until July 1, 1990, which is based on the North American datum of 1927 as determined by the national geodetic survey of the United States department of commerce;
(5) "Washington coordinate system of 1983" means the system of plane coordinates under this chapter based on the North American datum of 1983 as determined by the national geodetic survey of the United States department of commerce.
[1989 c 54 § 9.]