58.09.040 - Records of survey -- Contents -- Filing -- Replacing corner, filing record.

Records of survey — Contents — Filing — Replacing corner, filing record.

After making a survey in conformity with sound principles of land surveying, a land surveyor may file a record of survey with the county auditor in the county or counties wherein the lands surveyed are situated.

     (1) It shall be mandatory, within ninety days after the establishment, reestablishment, or restoration of a corner on the boundary of two or more ownerships or general land office corner by survey that a land surveyor shall file with the county auditor in the county or counties wherein the lands surveyed are situated a record of such survey, in such form as to meet the requirements of this chapter, which through accepted survey procedures, shall disclose:

     (a) The establishment of a corner which materially varies from the description of record;

     (b) The establishment of one or more property corners not previously existing;

     (c) Evidence that reasonable analysis might result in alternate positions of lines or points as a result of an ambiguity in the description;

     (d) The reestablishment of lost government land office corners.

     (2) When a licensed land surveyor, while conducting work of a preliminary nature or other activity that does not constitute a survey required by law to be recorded, replaces, or restores an existing or obliterated general land office corner, it is mandatory that, within ninety days thereafter, he or she shall file with the county auditor in the county in which said corner is located a record of the monuments and accessories found or placed at the corner location, in such form as to meet the requirements of this chapter.

[2010 c 8 § 18003; 1973 c 50 § 4.]