52.30.020 - Property of public agency included within district -- Contracts for services.

Property of public agency included within district — Contracts for services.

Wherever a fire protection district has been organized which includes within its area or is adjacent to, buildings and equipment, except those leased to a nontax exempt person or organization, owned by the legislative or administrative authority of a state agency or institution or a municipal corporation, the agency or institution or municipal corporation involved shall contract with such district for fire protection services necessary for the protection and safety of personnel and property pursuant to the provisions of chapter 39.34 RCW: PROVIDED, That nothing in this section shall be construed to require that any state agency, institution, or municipal corporation contract for services which are performed by the staff and equipment of such state agency, institution, or municipal corporation: PROVIDED FURTHER, That nothing in this section shall apply to state agencies or institutions or municipal corporations which are receiving fire protection services by contract from another municipality, city, town, or other entities: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That school districts shall receive fire protection services from the fire protection districts in which they are located without the necessity of executing a contract for such fire protection services: PROVIDED FURTHER, That prior to September 1, 1974, the superintendent of public instruction, the chief of the Washington state patrol through the director of fire protection, the director of financial management, and the executive director of the Washington fire commissioners association, or their designees, shall develop criteria to be used by the chief of the Washington state patrol through the director of fire protection in establishing uniform rates governing payments to fire districts by school districts for fire protection services. On or before September 1, 1974, the chief of the Washington state patrol through the director of fire protection shall establish such rates to be payable by school districts on or before January 1st of each year commencing January 1, 1975, payable July 1, 1975: AND PROVIDED FURTHER, That beginning with the 1975-77 biennium and in each biennium thereafter the superintendent of public instruction shall present in the budget submittal to the governor an amount sufficient to reimburse affected school districts for the moneys necessary to pay the costs of the uniform rates established by the chief of the Washington state patrol through the director of fire protection.

[2006 c 25 § 12; 1979 c 151 § 164; 1974 ex.s. c 88 § 1; 1973 1st ex.s. c 64 § 1; 1941 c 139 § 1; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 5654-143a. Formerly RCW 52.36.020.]

Notes: Effective date -- 1974 ex.s. c 88: "This 1974 amendatory act shall take effect on July 1, 1974." [1974 ex.s. c 88 § 2.]

Effective date -- 1973 1st ex.s. c 64: "This 1973 amendatory act shall take effect on July 1, 1974." [1973 1st ex.s. c 64 § 2.]

Fire, medical, or other emergency services provided to county by political subdivision -- Financial assistance authorized: RCW 36.32.470.

Fire protection services for state-owned facilities: RCW 35.21.775.