48.47.005 - Legislative findings -- Purpose.
Legislative findings — Purpose.
The legislature finds that there is a continued interest in mandating certain health coverages or offering of health coverages by health carriers; and that improved access to these health care services to segments of the population which desire them can provide beneficial social and health consequences which may be in the public interest.
The legislature finds further, however, that the cost ramifications of expanding health coverages is of continuing concern; and that the merits of a particular mandated benefit must be balanced against a variety of consequences which may go far beyond the immediate impact upon the cost of insurance coverage. The legislature hereby finds and declares that a systematic review of proposed mandated benefits, which explores all the ramifications of such proposed legislation, will assist the legislature in determining whether mandating a particular coverage or offering is in the public interest. The purpose of this chapter is to establish a procedure for the proposal, review, and determination of mandated benefit necessity.
[1997 c 412 § 1; 1984 c 56 § 1. Formerly RCW 48.42.060.]