47.42.045 - Number of signs -- Spacing -- Tourist facility, business or agricultural signs.
Number of signs — Spacing — Tourist facility, business or agricultural signs.
(1) Not more than one type 3 sign visible to traffic proceeding in any one direction on an interstate system, primary system outside an incorporated city or town or commercial or industrial area, or scenic system highway may be permitted more than fifty feet from the advertised activity;
(2) A type 3 sign, other than one along any portion of the primary system within an incorporated city or town or within any commercial or industrial area, permitted more than fifty feet from the advertised activity pursuant to subsection (1) of this section shall not be erected or maintained a greater distance from the advertised activity than one of the following options selected by the owner of the business being advertised:
(a) One hundred fifty feet measured along the edge of the protected highway from the main entrance to the activity advertised (when applicable);
(b) One hundred fifty feet from the main building of the advertised activity; or
(c) Fifty feet from a regularly used parking lot maintained by and contiguous to the advertised activity.
(3) In addition to signs permitted by subsections (1) and (2) of this section, the commission may adopt regulations permitting one type 3 sign visible to traffic proceeding in any one direction on an interstate, primary or scenic system highway on premises which, on June 25, 1976, are used wholly or in part as an operating business, farm, ranch or orchard which sign bears only the name of the business, farm, ranch or orchard and a directional arrow or short directional message. Regulations adopted under this subsection shall prohibit the erection or maintenance of such type 3 signs on narrow strips of land a substantial distance from but connected with a business, farm, ranch or orchard. Signs permitted under this subsection shall not exceed fifty square feet in area.
(4) The commission with advice from the parks and recreation commission shall adopt specifications for a uniform system of official tourist facility directional signs to be used on the scenic system highways. Official directional signs shall be posted by the commission to inform motorists of types of tourist and recreational facilities available off the scenic system which are accessible by way of public or private roads intersecting scenic system highways.
[1975-'76 2nd ex.s. c 55 § 2; 1974 ex.s. c 154 § 1; 1974 ex.s. c 138 § 1; 1971 ex.s. c 62 § 5.]