47.29.110 - Funds for proposal evaluation and negotiation.

Funds for proposal evaluation and negotiation.

The department may spend, out of any funds identified for the purpose, such moneys as may be necessary for the evaluation of concepts or proposals for eligible projects and for negotiating agreements for eligible projects authorized by this chapter. The department may employ engineers, consultants, or other experts the department determines are needed for the purposes of doing the evaluation and negotiation. Expenses incurred by the department under this section before the issuance of transportation project bonds or other financing must be paid by the department and charged to the appropriate project. The department shall keep records and accounts showing each amount so charged.

     Unless otherwise provided in the omnibus transportation budget the funds spent by the department under this section in connection with the project must be repaid from the proceeds of the bonds or other financing upon the sale of transportation project bonds or upon obtaining other financing for an eligible project, as allowed by law or contract.

[2005 c 317 § 11.]