47.20.780 - Design-build -- Competitive bidding.
Design-build — Competitive bidding.
The department of transportation shall develop a process for awarding competitively bid highway construction contracts for projects over ten million dollars that may be constructed using a design-build procedure. As used in this section and RCW 47.20.785, "design-build procedure" means a method of contracting under which the department of transportation contracts with another party for the party to both design and build the structures, facilities, and other items specified in the contract.
The process developed by the department must, at a minimum, include the scope of services required under the design-build procedure, contractor prequalification requirements, criteria for evaluating technical information and project costs, contractor selection criteria, and issue resolution procedures.
[2007 c 152 § 1; 2001 c 226 § 2.]
Notes: Findings -- Purpose -- 2001 c 226: "The legislature finds and declares that a contracting procedure that facilitates construction of transportation facilities in a more timely manner may occasionally be necessary to ensure that construction can proceed simultaneously with the design of the facility. The legislature further finds that the design-build process and other alternative project delivery concepts achieve the goals of time savings and avoidance of costly change orders.
The legislature finds and declares that a 2001 audit, conducted by Talbot, Korvola & Warwick, examining the Washington state ferries' capital program resulted in a recommendation for improvements and changes in auto ferry procurement processes. The auditors recommended that auto ferries be procured through use of a modified request for proposals process whereby the prevailing shipbuilder and Washington state ferries engage in a design and build partnership. This process promotes ownership of the design by the shipbuilder while using the department of transportation's expertise in ferry design and operations. Alternative processes like design-build partnerships can promote innovation and create competitive incentives that increase the likelihood of finishing projects on time and within the budget.
The purpose of this act is to authorize the department's use of a modified request for proposals process for procurement of auto ferries, and to prescribe appropriate requirements and criteria to ensure that contracting procedures for this procurement process serve the public interest." [2001 c 226 § 1.]