47.20.720 - Quinault Tribal Highway -- Certain portion as limited access.
Quinault Tribal Highway — Certain portion as limited access.
The department is authorized to determine the location of the highway from the township line to a junction with state route number 101 after consultations with the governing authority for the Indian peoples of the Quinault Indian Reservation and the bureau of Indian affairs. The department may then proceed with the establishment of this section of the highway as a limited access facility in the manner prescribed in RCW 47.52.131 through 47.52.137 and 47.52.195 (and the administrative rules adopted by the department to implement those sections), subject, however, to the following conditions: (1) The access report required by RCW 47.52.131 shall be approved by the governing authority for the Indian peoples of the Quinault Indian Reservation before public hearings; and (2) the final limited access plan adopted pursuant to RCW 47.52.137 at the conclusion of the public hearing, or after any appeal from it has been decided, shall be approved by the governing authority for the Indian peoples of the Quinault Indian Reservation and the bureau of Indian affairs before right-of-way is acquired for this section of highway.
[1985 c 228 § 3.]