47.10.702 - Tacoma-Seattle-Everett facility -- To be part of federal system as limited access -- Federal standards and conditions to be met.
Tacoma-Seattle-Everett facility — To be part of federal system as limited access — Federal standards and conditions to be met.
This highway project shall be constructed as a part of the federal interstate highway system as a fully controlled limited access facility and shall meet the standards and specifications required by the state of Washington and the secretary of commerce of the United States in order to qualify for federal grants in aid as provided for in the federal-aid highway act of 1956. The state shall perform all conditions precedent to payment in advance of apportionment as provided by section 108(h) of the federal-aid highway act of 1956 so as to be entitled to federal aid funds for the project covered by RCW 47.10.700 through 47.10.724 when such funds are apportioned.
[1961 c 13 § 47.10.702. Prior: 1957 c 189 § 2.]