46.96 - Manufacturers' and dealers' franchise agreements.
- 46.96.010 - Legislative findings.
- 46.96.020 - Definitions.
- 46.96.030 - Termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of franchise restricted.
- 46.96.035 - Payment of fair market value of dealer goodwill upon request and termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of franchise.
- 46.96.040 - Determination of good cause, good faith -- Petition, notice, decision, appeal.
- 46.96.050 - Determination of good cause, good faith -- Hearing, decision, procedures -- Judicial review.
- 46.96.060 - Good cause, what constitutes -- Burden of proof.
- 46.96.070 - Notice of termination, cancellation, or nonrenewal.
- 46.96.080 - Payments by manufacturer to dealer for inventory, equipment, etc.
- 46.96.090 - Payments by manufacturer for dealership facilities.
- 46.96.100 - Mitigation of damages.
- 46.96.105 - Warranty work.
- 46.96.110 - Designated successor to franchise ownership.
- 46.96.140 - Relevant market area -- Definition -- New or relocated dealerships, notice of.
- 46.96.150 - Protest of new or relocated dealership -- Hearing -- Arbitration.
- 46.96.160 - Factors considered by administrative law judge.
- 46.96.170 - Hearing -- Procedures, costs, appeal.
- 46.96.180 - Exceptions.
- 46.96.185 - Unfair practices -- Exemptions -- Definitions.
- 46.96.190 - Prohibited practices by manufacturer.
- 46.96.192 - Prohibited practices by manufacturer -- Adverse action against dealer if vehicle exported or resold by customer.
- 46.96.194 - Prohibited practices by manufacturer -- Dealer waiver of chapter -- Exceptions.
- 46.96.200 - Sale, transfer, or exchange of franchise.
- 46.96.210 - Petition and hearing -- Filing fee, costs, security.
- 46.96.220 - Right of first refusal.
- 46.96.230 - Manufacturer incentive programs.
- 46.96.240 - Venue.
- 46.96.250 - Immunity of franchisees and assigns.
- 46.96.260 - Civil actions for violations.
- 46.96.900 - Severability -- 1989 c 415.