46.32.020 - Rules -- Supplies -- Assistants -- Prioritization of higher risk motor carriers.
Rules — Supplies — Assistants — Prioritization of higher risk motor carriers.
(1)(a) The chief of the Washington state patrol may adopt reasonable rules regarding types of vehicles to be inspected, inspection criteria, times for the inspection of vehicle equipment, drivers' qualifications, hours of service, and all other matters with respect to the conduct of vehicle equipment and driver inspections.
(b) The chief of the Washington state patrol shall prepare and furnish such stickers, tags, record and report forms, stationery, and other supplies as shall be deemed necessary. The chief of the Washington state patrol is empowered to appoint and employ such assistants as he or she may consider necessary and to fix hours of employment and compensation.
(2) The chief of the Washington state patrol shall use data-driven analysis to prioritize for inspections and compliance reviews those motor carriers whose relative safety fitness identify them as higher risk motor carriers.
[2010 c 8 § 9051; 2007 c 419 § 8; 1993 c 403 § 3; 1986 c 123 § 2; 1961 c 12 §46.32.020 . Prior: 1945 c 44 § 2; 1937 c 189 § 8; Rem. Supp. 1945 § 6360-8.]
Notes: Findings -- Short title -- 2007 c 419: See notes following RCW 46.16A.010.