46.16.025 - Identification device for exempt farm vehicles -- Application for -- Contents -- Fee.

Identification device for exempt farm vehicles — Application for — Contents — Fee. (Effective until July 1, 2011.)

Before any "farm vehicle", as defined in RCW 46.04.181, shall operate on or move along a public highway, there shall be displayed upon it in a conspicuous manner a decal or other device, as may be prescribed by the director of licensing and issued by the department of licensing, which shall describe in some manner the vehicle and identify it as a vehicle exempt from the licensing requirements of this chapter. Application for such identifying devices shall be made to the department on a form furnished for that purpose by the director. Such application shall be made by the owner or lessee of the vehicle, or his or her duly authorized agent over the signature of such owner or agent, and he or she shall certify that the statements therein are true to the best of his or her knowledge. The application must show:

     (1) The name and address of the owner of the vehicle;

     (2) The trade name of the vehicle, model, year, type of body, the motor number or the identification number thereof if such vehicle be a motor vehicle, or the serial number thereof if such vehicle be a trailer;

     (3) The purpose for which said vehicle is to be principally used;

     (4) Such other information as shall be required upon such application by the director; and

     (5) Place where farm vehicle is principally used or garaged.

     A fee of five dollars shall be charged for and submitted with such application for an identification decal as in this section provided as to each farm vehicle which fee shall be deposited in the motor vehicle fund and distributed proportionately as otherwise provided for vehicle license fees under RCW 46.68.030. Only one application need be made as to each such vehicle, and the status as an exempt vehicle shall continue until suspended or revoked for misuse, or when such vehicle no longer is used as a farm vehicle.

[2010 c 8 § 9010; 1979 c 158 § 139; 1967 c 202 § 3.]