43.96B.215 - Bond issue -- Anticipation notes -- Disposition of proceeds -- Acquisition of property by Expo '74 commission authorized.

Bond issue — Anticipation notes — Disposition of proceeds — Acquisition of property by Expo '74 commission authorized.

At the time the state finance committee determines to issue such bonds or a portion thereof, it may, pending the issuing of such bonds, issue, in the name of the state, temporary notes in anticipation of the money to be derived from the sale of the bonds, which notes shall be designated as "anticipation notes". Such portion of the proceeds of the sale of such bonds that may be required for such purpose shall be applied to the payment of the principal of and interest on such anticipation notes which have been issued. The proceeds from the sale of bonds authorized by RCW 43.96B.200 through 43.96B.245 and any interest earned on the interim investment of such proceeds, shall be deposited in the state building construction account of the general fund in the state treasury and shall be used exclusively for the purposes specified in RCW 43.96B.200 through 43.96B.245 and for the payment of expenses incurred in the issuance and sale of the bonds. The Expo '74 commission is hereby authorized to acquire property, real and personal, by lease, purchase[,] condemnation or gift to achieve the objectives of chapters 1, 2, and 3, Laws of 1971 ex. sess., and RCW 43.96B.200 through 43.96B.245. The commission is further directed pursuant to RCW 43.19.450 to utilize the department of general administration services to accomplish the purposes set forth herein.

[1973 1st ex.s. c 116 § 4.]