43.88.195 - Establishment of accounts or funds outside treasury without permission of director of financial management prohibited.

Establishment of accounts or funds outside treasury without permission of director of financial management prohibited.

After August 11, 1969, no state agency, state institution, state institution of higher education, which shall include all state universities, regional universities, The Evergreen State College, and community colleges, shall establish any new accounts or funds which are to be located outside of the state treasury: PROVIDED, That the office of financial management shall be authorized to grant permission for the establishment of such an account or fund outside of the state treasury only when the requesting agency presents compelling reasons of economy and efficiency which could not be achieved by placing such funds in the state treasury. When the director of financial management authorizes the creation of such fund or account, the director shall forthwith give written notice of the fact to the standing committees on ways and means of the house and senate: PROVIDED FURTHER, That agencies authorized to create local accounts will utilize the services of the state treasurer's office to ensure that new or ongoing relationships with financial institutions are in concert with statewide policies and procedures pursuant to RCW 43.88.160(1).

[1996 c 186 § 509; 1993 c 500 § 8; 1991 c 201 § 19; 1979 c 151 § 140; 1977 ex.s. c 169 § 109; 1975 1st ex.s. c 293 § 9; 1969 ex.s. c 248 § 1.]

Notes: Findings -- Intent -- Part headings not law -- Effective date--1996 c 186: See notes following RCW 43.330.904.

Finding -- Severability -- Effective date -- 1993 c 500: See notes following RCW 43.41.180.

Captions not law -- Severability -- 1991 c 201: See RCW 39.35C.900 and 39.35C.901.