43.83.172 - General obligation bonds -- Authorized -- Issuance, sale, terms, etc. -- Appropriation required.

General obligation bonds — Authorized — Issuance, sale, terms, etc. — Appropriation required.

For the purpose of acquiring land and providing needed capital improvements consisting of the planning, acquisition, construction, remodeling, and furnishing, together with all improvements, enhancements, fixed equipment facilities of office buildings, parking facilities, and such other buildings, facilities, and utilities as are determined to be necessary to provide space including offices, committee rooms, hearing rooms, work rooms, and industrial-related space for the legislature, for other elective officials, and such other state agencies as may be necessary, the state finance committee is authorized to issue general obligation bonds of the state of Washington in the sum of twelve million one hundred thirty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be required, to finance these projects, and all costs incidental thereto. No bonds authorized by RCW 43.83.172 through 43.83.182 may be offered for sale without prior legislative appropriation.

[1982 1st ex.s. c 48 § 19; 1981 c 235 § 1.]

Notes: Severability -- 1982 1st ex.s. c 48: See note following RCW 28B.14G.900.