43.83.030 - Limited obligation bonds -- Retirement from state building construction bond redemption fund -- Retail sales tax collections, continuation of levy.

Limited obligation bonds — Retirement from state building construction bond redemption fund — Retail sales tax collections, continuation of levy.

Retirement of the bonds and interest authorized by RCW 43.83.010 through 43.83.050 shall be from the state building construction bond redemption fund created by chapter 298, Laws of 1957. The state finance committee shall on or before June 30th of each year certify to the state treasurer the amount needed in the ensuing twelve months to meet interest payments on and retirement of bonds authorized by RCW 43.83.010 through 43.83.050. The state treasurer shall thereupon deposit such amount in the state building construction bond redemption fund from moneys transmitted to the state treasurer by the department of revenue and certified by the department of revenue to be sales tax collections, and such amount certified by the state finance committee to the state treasurer shall be a prior charge against all retail sales tax revenues of the state of Washington, subject to and inferior only to the charges thereon created by chapters 229 and 230, Laws of 1949, and chapter 298, Laws of 1957. Said bond redemption fund shall be kept segregated from all moneys in the state treasury and shall, while any of such bonds or interest thereon remains unpaid, be available solely for the payment thereof. As a part of the contract of sale of the bonds herein authorized, the state undertakes to continue to levy and collect a tax on retail sales equal to that portion thereof allocated to said fund as provided in RCW 43.83.010 through 43.83.050, and to place the proceeds thereof in the state building construction bond redemption fund and to make said fund available to meet said payments when due until all bonds and the interest thereon authorized under RCW 43.83.010 through 43.83.050 shall have been paid.

[1975 1st ex.s. c 278 § 26; 1965 c 8 § 43.83.030. Prior: 1959 ex.s. c 9 § 3.]

Notes: Reviser's note: Chapter 298, Laws of 1957 and chapter 230, Laws of 1949 referred to herein were codified in chapter 72.99 RCW. The sections in chapter 72.99 RCW were repealed by 1983 c 189 § 4 and by 1979 c 67 § 18. Chapter 229, Laws of 1949 was codified in chapter 28A.47 RCW, which has been recodified as chapter 28A.525 RCW.

Construction -- Severability -- 1975 1st ex.s. c 278: See notes following RCW 11.08.160.