43.83.010 - Limited obligation bonds -- Authorized -- Issuance, sale, form, payment, etc. -- Continuation of tax levy.

Limited obligation bonds — Authorized — Issuance, sale, form, payment, etc. — Continuation of tax levy.

For the purpose of furnishing funds to finance projects in the 1959-1961 capital budget, as adopted by the legislature, there shall be issued and sold limited obligation bonds of the state of Washington in the sum of ten million eighty-nine thousand dollars to be paid and discharged not more than twenty years after date of issuance. The issuance, sale and retirement of said bonds shall be under the general supervision and control of the state finance committee.

     The state finance committee is authorized to prescribe the forms of such bonds; the provisions of sale of all or any portion or portions of such bonds; the terms, provisions, and covenants of said bonds; and the sale, issuance, and redemption thereof. None of the bonds herein authorized shall be sold for less than the par value thereof. Such bonds shall state distinctly that they shall not be a general obligation of the state of Washington, but shall be payable in the manner and from the proceeds of retail sales taxes as in RCW 43.83.010 through 43.83.050 provided. As a part of the contract of sale of the aforesaid bonds, the state undertakes to continue to levy the taxes referred to herein and to fix and maintain said taxes in such amounts as will provide sufficient funds to pay said bonds and interest thereon until all such obligations have been paid in full.

     The committee may provide that the bonds, or any of them, may be called prior to the maturity date thereof under such terms, conditions, and provisions as it may determine and may authorize the use of facsimile signatures in the issuance of such bonds and upon any coupons attached thereto. Such bonds shall be payable at such places as the state finance committee may provide.

[1965 c 8 § 43.83.010. Prior: 1959 ex.s. c 9 § 1.]