43.63A.485 - Manufactured housing -- Violations -- Fines.

Manufactured housing — Violations — Fines. (Contingent expiration date.)

(1) A person who violates any of the provisions of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (800 Stat. 700; 42 U.S.C. Secs. 5401-5426) applicable to RCW *43.63A.465, 43.63A.470,43.63A.475 , and 43.63A.480 or any rules adopted under RCW *43.63A.465, 43.63A.470, 43.63A.475, and 43.63A.480 is liable to the state of Washington for a civil penalty of not to exceed one thousand dollars for each such violation. Each violation of the provisions of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (800 Stat. 700; 42 U.S.C. Secs. 5401-5426) applicable to RCW *43.63A.465, 43.63A.470,43.63A.475 , and 43.63A.480 or any rules adopted under RCW *43.63A.465, 43.63A.470, 43.63A.475, and 43.63A.480, shall constitute a separate violation with respect to each manufactured home or with respect to each failure or refusal to allow or perform an act required thereby, except that the maximum civil penalty may not exceed one million dollars for any related series of violations occurring within one year from the date of the first violation.

     (2) An individual or a director, officer, or agent of a corporation who knowingly and willfully violates any of the provisions of RCW *43.63A.465, 43.63A.470, 43.63A.475, and43.63A.480 or any rules adopted under RCW *43.63A.465,43.63A.470 , 43.63A.475, and 43.63A.480, in a manner that threatens the health or safety of any purchaser, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

     (3) Any legal fees, court costs, expert witness fees, and staff costs expended by the state in successfully pursuing violators of RCW *43.63A.465, 43.63A.470, 43.63A.475, and43.63A.480 shall be reimbursed in full by the violators.

[1993 c 124 § 4.]

Notes: *Reviser's note: RCW 43.63A.465 was recodified as RCW 43.22A.030 pursuant to 2007 c 432 § 13.

Contingent expiration date -- RCW 43.22A.030 and 43.63A.470 through 43.63A.490: See RCW 43.63A.490.