43.60A.154 - Agreements with federal entities for projects -- Report.

Agreements with federal entities for projects — Report.

(1) The department shall seek to enter agreements with the national park service, the United States forest service, the United States fish and wildlife service, and other federal agencies managing lands in Washington, for the employment of veterans conservation corps enrollees in maintenance, restoration, and stewardship projects. Up to twenty percent of the costs of the veterans conservation corps enrollees participation in a federal project may be provided by the department, including the costs of training provided on the project.

     (2) By September 30, 2008, the department shall provide a report to the governor and appropriate committees of the senate and house of representatives regarding agreements entered with federal agencies to employ veteran conservation corps enrollees on federal land projects, and any revisions to the program needed to increase the number of these agreements.

[2007 c 451 § 7.]