43.33A.230 - Basic health plan self-insurance reserve account -- Board duties and powers.
Basic health plan self-insurance reserve account — Board duties and powers.
(1) The state investment board has the full power to invest, reinvest, manage, contract, sell, or exchange investment money in the basic health plan self-insurance reserve account. All investment and operating costs associated with the investment of money shall be paid under RCW 43.33A.160 and 43.84.160. With the exception of these expenses, the earnings from the investment of the money shall be retained by the account.
(2) All investments made by the state investment board shall be made with the exercise of that degree of judgment and care under RCW 43.33A.140 and the investment policy established by the state investment board.
(3) As deemed appropriate by the investment board, money in the account may be commingled for investment with other funds subject to investment by the board.
(4) The investment board shall routinely consult and communicate with the health care authority on the investment policy, earnings of the account, and related needs of the account.
[2000 c 80 § 6.]