43.336.030 - Tourism industry expansion -- Coordinated program -- Strategic plan -- Tourism marketing plan.
Tourism industry expansion — Coordinated program — Strategic plan — Tourism marketing plan.
(1) The commission shall pursue a coordinated program to expand the tourism industry throughout the state in cooperation with the public and private tourism development organizations. The commission shall develop and approve, and update as necessary, a six-year strategic plan that includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Promoting Washington as a tourism destination to national and international markets to include nature-based and wildlife viewing tourism;
(b) Providing information to businesses and local communities on tourism opportunities that could expand local revenues;
(c) Assisting local communities to strengthen their tourism partnerships, including their relationships with state and local agencies;
(d) Providing leadership training and assistance to local communities to facilitate the development and implementation of local tourism plans;
(e) Coordinating the development of a statewide tourism marketing plan that must be adopted by March 31, 2008, and every two years thereafter. If the commission does not adopt a marketing plan by March 31st of even-numbered years, the director has the authority to approve a tourism marketing plan for implementation. The plan shall specifically address mechanisms for: (i) Funding national and international marketing and nature-based tourism efforts; (ii) interagency cooperation; and (iii) integrating the state plan with local tourism plans.
(2) The commission may, in carrying out its efforts to expand the tourism industry in the state:
(a) Solicit and receive gifts, grants, funds, fees, and endowments, in trust or otherwise, from tribal, local, or other governmental entities, as well as private sources, and may expend the same or any income therefrom for tourism purposes. All revenue received for tourism purposes shall be deposited into the tourism enterprise account created in RCW 43.336.050;
(b) Host conferences and strategic planning workshops relating to the promotion of nature-based and wildlife viewing tourism;
(c) Conduct or contract for tourism-related studies;
(d) Contract with individuals, businesses, or public entities to carry out its tourism-related activities under this section; and
(e) Provide tourism-related organizations with marketing and other technical assistance.
(3) Staff shall implement the strategic plan and the tourism marketing plan.
[2007 c 228 § 103.]