43.21A.050 - Department of ecology -- Director -- Appointment -- Powers and duties -- Salary -- Temporary appointment when vacancy.
Department of ecology — Director — Appointment — Powers and duties — Salary — Temporary appointment when vacancy.
The executive and administrative head of the department shall be the director. The director shall be appointed by the governor with the consent of the senate. He or she shall have complete charge of and supervisory powers over the department. He or she shall be paid a salary fixed by the governor in accordance with the provisions of RCW 43.03.040. If a vacancy occurs in the position of director while the senate is not in session, the governor shall make a temporary appointment until the next meeting of the senate at which time he or she shall present to that body his or her nomination for the position.
[2009 c 549 § 5081; 1970 ex.s. c 62 § 5.]