43.200.180 - Implementation of federal low-level radioactive waste policy amendments of 1985.
Implementation of federal low-level radioactive waste policy amendments of 1985.
The department of ecology shall be the state agency responsible for implementation of the federal low-level radioactive waste policy amendments act of 1985, including:
(1) Collecting and administering the surcharge assessed by the governor under RCW 43.200.170;
(2) Collecting low-level radioactive waste data from disposal facility operators, generators, intermediate handlers, and the federal department of energy;
(3) Developing and operating a computerized information system to manage low-level radioactive waste data;
(4) Denying and reinstating access to the Hanford low-level radioactive waste disposal facility pursuant to the authority granted under federal law;
(5) Administering and/or monitoring (a) the maximum waste volume levels for the Hanford low-level radioactive waste disposal facility, (b) reactor waste allocations, (c) priority allocations under the Northwest Interstate Compact on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management, and (d) adherence by other states and compact regions to federal statutory deadlines; and
(6) Coordinating the state's low-level radioactive waste disposal program with similar programs in other states.
[1998 c 245 § 81; 1986 c 2 § 4.]