43.185B.040 - Housing advisory plan -- Report to legislature.
Housing advisory plan — Report to legislature.
(1) The department shall, in consultation with the affordable housing advisory board created in RCW 43.185B.020, prepare and from time to time amend a five-year housing advisory plan. The purpose of the plan is to document the need for affordable housing in the state and the extent to which that need is being met through public and private sector programs, to facilitate planning to meet the affordable housing needs of the state, and to enable the development of sound strategies and programs for affordable housing. The information in the five-year housing advisory plan must include:
(a) An assessment of the state's housing market trends;
(b) An assessment of the housing needs for all economic segments of the state and special needs populations;
(c) An inventory of the supply and geographic distribution of affordable housing units made available through public and private sector programs;
(d) A status report on the degree of progress made by the public and private sector toward meeting the housing needs of the state;
(e) An identification of state and local regulatory barriers to affordable housing and proposed regulatory and administrative techniques designed to remove barriers to the development and placement of affordable housing; and
(f) Specific recommendations, policies, or proposals for meeting the affordable housing needs of the state.
(2)(a) The five-year housing advisory plan required under subsection (1) of this section must be submitted to the legislature on or before February 1, 1994, and subsequent plans must be submitted every five years thereafter.
(b) Each February 1st, beginning February 1, 1995, the department shall submit an annual progress report, to the legislature, detailing the extent to which the state's affordable housing needs were met during the preceding year and recommendations for meeting those needs.
[1993 c 478 § 12.]