43.185.080 - Preconstruction technical assistance.
Preconstruction technical assistance.
(1) The department may use moneys from the housing trust fund and other legislative appropriations, but not appropriations from capital bond proceeds, to provide preconstruction technical assistance to eligible recipients seeking to construct, rehabilitate, or finance housing-related services for very low and low-income persons. The department shall emphasize providing preconstruction technical assistance services to rural areas and small cities and towns. The department may contract with nonprofit organizations to provide this technical assistance. The department may contract for any of the following services:
(a) Financial planning and packaging for housing projects, including alternative ownership programs, such as limited equity partnerships and syndications;
(b) Project design, architectural planning, and siting;
(c) Compliance with planning requirements;
(d) Securing matching resources for project development;
(e) Maximizing local government contributions to project development in the form of land donations, infrastructure improvements, waivers of development fees, locally and state-managed funds, zoning variances, or creative local planning;
(f) Coordination with local planning, economic development, and environmental, social service, and recreational activities;
(g) Construction and materials management; and
(h) Project maintenance and management.
(2) The department shall publish requests for proposals which specify contract performance standards, award criteria, and contractor requirements. In evaluating proposals, the department shall consider the ability of the contractor to provide technical assistance to low and very low-income persons and to persons with special housing needs.
[1991 c 356 § 6; 1986 c 298 § 9.]