43.155.055 - Water storage projects and water systems facilities subaccount.

Water storage projects and water systems facilities subaccount.

(1) A subaccount is created in the public works assistance account to receive money to fund the following projects: (a) Water storage projects; and (b) water systems facilities.

     (2) The projects listed in subsection (1) of this section must comply with the competitive bid requirements of RCW 43.155.060.

     (3) The subaccount created in subsection (1) of this section shall receive amounts appropriated to it for purposes of distributing these moneys as grants for water storage projects and water systems facilities projects as provided in the appropriation and this section. This subaccount shall be administered by the board and shall be separate from the other programs managed by the board under this chapter.

     (4) The subaccount created in this section shall be known as the water storage projects and water systems facilities subaccount of the public works assistance account.

[2003 c 330 § 1.]