43.132.050 - Fiscal notes -- Transmission of copies upon request.

Fiscal notes — Transmission of copies upon request.

The office of financial management may make additional copies of the fiscal note available to members of the legislature and others on request.

     At the request of any member of the senate or house of representatives, whichever is considering the proposed legislation, and unless it is prohibited by the rules of the body, copies of the fiscal note or a synopsis thereof shall be placed on the members' desks at the time the proposed legislation takes its place on the second reading calendar.

     Whenever proposed legislation accompanied by such a fiscal note is passed by either the senate or the house of representatives, the fiscal note shall be transmitted with the bill to the other house.

[1986 c 158 § 19; 1979 c 151 § 152; 1977 ex.s. c 19 § 5.]