43.117.070 - Duties of commission -- State agencies to give assistance.

Duties of commission — State agencies to give assistance.

(1) The commission shall examine and define issues pertaining to the rights and needs of Asian Pacific Americans, and make recommendations to the governor and state agencies with respect to desirable changes in program and law.

     (2) The commission shall advise such state government agencies on the development and implementation of comprehensive and coordinated policies, plans, and programs focusing on the special problems and needs of Asian Pacific Americans.

     (3) The commission shall coordinate and assist with statewide celebrations during the fourth week of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month that recognize the contributions to the state by Asian Pacific Americans in the arts, sciences, commerce, and education.

     (4) The commission shall coordinate and assist educational institutions, public entities, and private organizations with celebrations of Korean-American day that recognize the contributions to the state by Korean-Americans in the arts, sciences, commerce, and education.

     (5) Each state department and agency shall provide appropriate and reasonable assistance to the commission as needed in order that the commission may carry out the purposes of this chapter.

[2007 c 19 § 3; 2000 c 236 § 3; 1995 c 67 § 5; 1974 ex.s. c 140 § 7.]

Notes: Findings -- 2007 c 19: See note following RCW 1.16.050.

Effective date -- 2000 c 236: See note following RCW 43.117.010.