43.105.170 - Information technology portfolios -- Contents -- Performance reports.
Information technology portfolios — Contents — Performance reports.
(1) Each agency shall develop an information technology portfolio consistent with *RCW 43.105.095. The superintendent of public instruction shall develop its portfolio in conjunction with educational service districts and statewide or regional providers of K-12 education information technology services.
(2) Agency portfolios shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(a) A baseline assessment of the agency's information technology resources and capabilities that will serve as the benchmark for subsequent planning and performance measures;
(b) A statement of the agency's mission, goals, and objectives for information technology, including goals and objectives for achieving electronic access to agency records, information, and services;
(c) An explanation of how the agency's mission, goals, and objectives for information technology support and conform to the state strategic information technology plan developed under RCW 43.105.160;
(d) An implementation strategy to provide electronic access to public records and information. This implementation strategy must be assembled to include:
(i) Compliance with Title 40 RCW;
(ii) Adequate public notice and opportunity for comment;
(iii) Consideration of a variety of electronic technologies, including those that help transcend geographic locations, standard business hours, economic conditions of users, and disabilities;
(iv) Methods to educate both state employees and the public in the effective use of access technologies;
(e) Projects and resources required to meet the objectives of the portfolio; and
(f) Where feasible, estimated schedules and funding required to implement identified projects.
(3) Portfolios developed under subsection (1) of this section shall be submitted to the department for review and forwarded along with the department's recommendations to the board for review and approval. The board may reject, require modification to, or approve portfolios as deemed appropriate by the board. Portfolios submitted under this subsection shall be updated and submitted for review and approval as necessary.
(4) Each agency shall prepare and submit to the department a biennial performance report that evaluates progress toward the objectives articulated in its information technology portfolio. The superintendent of public instruction shall develop its portfolio in conjunction with educational service districts and statewide or regional providers of K-12 education information technology services. The report shall include:
(a) An evaluation of the agency's performance relating to information technology;
(b) An assessment of progress made toward implementing the agency information technology portfolio;
(c) Progress toward electronic access to public information and enabling citizens to have two-way interaction for obtaining information and services from agencies; and
(d) An inventory of agency information services, equipment, and proprietary software.
(5) The department, with the approval of the board, shall establish standards, elements, form, and format for plans and reports developed under this section.
(6) Agency activities to increase electronic access to public records and information, as required by this section, must be implemented within available resources and existing agency planning processes.
(7) The board may exempt any agency from any or all of the requirements of this section.
[1999 c 80 § 10. Prior: 1996 c 171 § 10; 1996 c 137 § 13; 1992 c 20 § 2.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: The reference to RCW 43.105.095 appears to be erroneous. RCW 43.105.172 was apparently intended.
Captions not law -- Effective dates -- 1996 c 171: See notes following RCW 43.105.250.
Effective date -- Application -- 1996 c 137: See notes following RCW 43.105.032.
Severability -- Captions not law -- 1992 c 20: See notes following RCW 43.105.160.