43.101.145 - Written complaint by law enforcement or law enforcement agency to deny or revoke peace officer certification -- Immunity of complainant.

Written complaint by law enforcement or law enforcement agency to deny or revoke peace officer certification — Immunity of complainant.

A law enforcement officer or duly authorized representative of a law enforcement agency may submit a written complaint to the commission charging that a peace officer's certificate should be denied or revoked, and specifying the grounds for the charge. Filing a complaint does not make a complainant a party to the commission's action. The commission has sole discretion whether to investigate a complaint, and the commission has sole discretion whether to investigate matters relating to certification, denial of certification, or revocation of certification on any other basis, without restriction as to the source or the existence of a complaint. A person who files a complaint in good faith under this section is immune from suit or any civil action related to the filing or the contents of the complaint.

[2001 c 167 § 8.]