43.09.455 - Performance audits -- Follow-up and corrective action -- Progress reports.

Performance audits — Follow-up and corrective action — Progress reports.

The audited agency is responsible for follow-up and corrective action on all performance audit findings and recommendations. The audited agency's plan for addressing each audit finding and recommendation shall be included in the final audit report. The plan shall provide the name of the contact person responsible for each action, the action planned, and the anticipated completion date. If the audited agency does not agree with the audit findings and recommendations or believes action is not required, then the action plan shall include an explanation and specific reasons.

     For agencies under the authority of the governor, the governor may require periodic progress reports from the audited agency until all resolution has occurred.

     For agencies under the authority of an elected official other than the governor, the appropriate elected official may require periodic reports of the action taken by the audited agency until all resolution has occurred.

     The board may request status reports on specific audits or findings.

[2005 c 385 § 9.]

Notes: Findings -- 2005 c 385: See note following RCW 43.09.430.