Historical materials, preservation: Chapter 27.48 RCW.
Minutes of governmental agencies open to public inspection: RCW 42.32.030.
Newspapers: Chapter 19.56 RCW.
Public documents as evidence: Chapter 5.44 RCW.
Public records act: Chapter 42.56 RCW.
Publication of legal notices: Chapter 65.16 RCW.
Recording, registration, and legal publication: Title 65 RCW.
Records and exhibits of superior court, destruction, reproduction: RCW 36.23.065, 36.23.067, 36.23.070.
State records secretary of state as custodian: RCW 43.07.040. to be kept at the seat of government: State Constitution Art. 3 § 24.
Uniform business records as evidence act: Chapter 5.45 RCW.
Uniform photographic copies of business and public records as evidence act: Chapter 5.46 RCW.