36.35.250 - Quieting title to tax-title property -- Special assessments payable out of surplus.
Quieting title to tax-title property — Special assessments payable out of surplus.
Nothing in RCW 36.35.160 through 36.35.270 contained shall be construed to deprive any city, town, or other unit of local government that imposed special assessments on the property by including the property in a local improvement or special assessment district of its right to reimbursement for special assessments out of any surplus over and above the taxes, interest and costs involved.
[1998 c 106 § 19; 1961 c 15 § 84.64.420. Prior: 1925 ex.s. c 171 § 10; RRS § 11308-10. Formerly RCW 84.64.420.]