35.47.030 - Cancellation procedure where no money in local improvement fund.
Cancellation procedure where no money in local improvement fund.
If the bonds or warrants outstanding against a district are unguaranteed and if there remains no money in the appropriate local improvement fund to pay them, and if no real property is held in trust for the fund, the city or town shall give notice in the same manner as provided in RCW 35.47.010, stating that L.I.D. . . . . . . (bonds or warrants) for . . . . . . L.I.D. improvement Nos. . . . . to . . . . inclusive will be canceled as provided in RCW 35.47.020, unless such bonds or warrants are presented to the city or town within one year from the date of last publication of the notice, together with good cause shown as to why such cancellation should not take place. If such bonds or warrants are not presented, with good cause shown, within one year after the last date of publication of such notice, they may be canceled as provided in RCW 35.47.020.
[1965 ex.s. c 6 § 3.]