35.22.200 - Legislative powers of charter city -- Where vested -- Direct legislation.
Legislative powers of charter city — Where vested — Direct legislation.
The legislative powers of a charter city shall be vested in a mayor and a city council, to consist of such number of members and to have such powers as may be provided for in its charter. The charter may provide for direct legislation by the people through the initiative and referendum upon any matter within the scope of the powers, functions, or duties of the city. The mayor and council and such other elective officers as may be provided for in such charter shall be elected at such times and in such manner as provided in *Title 29 RCW, and for such terms and shall perform such duties as may be prescribed in the charter, and shall receive compensation in accordance with the process or standards of a charter provision or ordinance which conforms with RCW 35.21.015.
[2001 c 73 § 2; 1965 ex.s. c 47 § 13; 1965 c 7 § 35.22.200. Prior: (i) 1890 p 223 § 6, part; RRS § 8977, part. (ii) 1927 c 52 § 1; 1911 c 17 § 2; RRS § 8949.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: Title 29 RCW was repealed and/or recodified in its entirety pursuant to 2003 c 111, effective July 1, 2004. See Title 29A RCW.
Findings -- Intent -- Severability -- 2001 c 73: See notes following RCW 35.21.015.
Powers of cities adopting charters: RCW 35.22.195.