29A.44.330 - Memory packs.
Memory packs.
The programmed memory pack for each poll-site ballot counting device must be sealed into the device during final preparation and logic and accuracy testing. Except in the case of a device breakdown, the memory pack must remain sealed in the device until after the polls have closed and all reports and telephonic or electronic transfer of results are completed. After all reporting is complete the precinct election officers responsible for transferring the sealed voted ballots under RCW 29A.60.110 shall ensure that the memory pack is returned to the elections department. If the entire poll-site ballot counting device is returned, the memory pack must remain sealed in the device. If the poll-site ballot counting device is to remain at the polling place, the precinct election officer shall break the seal on the device and remove the memory pack and seal and return it along with the irregularly voted ballots and special ballots to the elections department on election day.
[2003 c 111 § 1131. Prior: 1999 c 158 § 11. Formerly RCW 29.54.093.]
Notes:Results from poll-site ballot counting devices: RCW 29A.60.060.