29A.32.260 - Mailing.
As soon as practicable before the primary, special election, or general election, the county auditor, or if applicable, the city clerk of a first-class or code city, as appropriate, shall mail the local voters' pamphlet to every residence in each jurisdiction that has included information in the pamphlet. The county auditor or city clerk, as appropriate, may choose to mail the pamphlet to each registered voter in each jurisdiction that has included information in the pamphlet, if in his or her judgment, a more economical and effective distribution of the pamphlet would result. If the county or city chooses to mail the pamphlet to each residence, no notice of election otherwise required by *RCW 29A.52.350 need be published.
[2003 c 111 § 818. Prior: 1984 c 106 § 8. Formerly RCW 29.81A.060.]
Notes: *Reviser's note: RCW 29A.52.350 was repealed by 2004 c 271 § 193. Later enactment, see RCW 29A.52.351.