29A.32.230 - Administrative rules.
Administrative rules.
The county auditor or, if applicable, the city clerk of a first-class or code city shall, in consultation with the participating jurisdictions, adopt and publish administrative rules necessary to facilitate the provisions of any ordinance authorizing production of a local voters' pamphlet. Any amendment to such a rule shall also be adopted and published. Copies of the rules shall identify the date they were adopted or last amended and shall be made available to any person upon request. One copy of the rules adopted by a county auditor and one copy of any amended rules shall be submitted to the county legislative authority. One copy of the rules adopted by a city clerk and one copy of any amended rules shall be submitted to the city legislative authority. These rules shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) Deadlines for decisions by cities, towns, or special taxing districts on being included in the pamphlet;
(2) Limits on the length and deadlines for submission of arguments for and against each measure;
(3) The basis for rejection of any explanatory or candidates' statement or argument deemed to be libelous or otherwise inappropriate. Any statements by a candidate shall be limited to those about the candidate himself or herself;
(4) Limits on the length and deadlines for submission of candidates' statements;
(5) An appeal process in the case of the rejection of any statement or argument.
[2003 c 111 § 815. Prior: 1984 c 106 § 5. Formerly RCW 29.81A.030.]