28B.14C.030 - Constitutional and statutory authority applicable -- Specific state finance committee powers.
Constitutional and statutory authority applicable — Specific state finance committee powers.
Subject to the specific requirements of RCW 28B.14C.010 through 28B.14C.140 and 28B.14C.900, such general obligation refunding bonds shall be issued and the refunding plan carried out in accordance with Article VIII, section 1, of the state Constitution, in accordance with chapter 39.42 RCW as presently in effect, and in accordance with the following sections of chapter 39.53 RCW as presently in effect, where applicable: RCW 39.53.010, 39.53.030, 39.53.060, 39.53.070, 39.53.100, and 39.53.110. The remainder of chapter 39.53 RCW shall not be applicable to the refunding authorized by this chapter.
In addition to the powers granted to the state finance committee in this subsection, said committee is hereby authorized (1) to determine the times and manner of redemption of the various bonds to be refunded, if any are to be redeemed prior to maturity; (2) to carry out all procedures necessary to accomplish the call for redemption and the subsequent redemption of the bonds to be refunded on behalf of the board of regents or the board of trustees, as the case may be, of each of the institutions which originally issued the bonds to be refunded; and (3) to determine the time, manner, and call premium, if any, for redemption of the refunding issue or issues, if any of the bonds of such issue are to be redeemed prior to maturity.
[1977 ex.s. c 354 § 3.]
Notes: Reviser's note: Phrases "as presently in effect" would, because of declaration of emergency in section 17 of 1977 ex.s. c 354, be deemed as of July 1, 1977.