28B.10.922 - Performance agreements -- State committee -- Development of final proposals -- Implementation -- Updates.
Performance agreements — State committee — Development of final proposals — Implementation — Updates.
(1) A state performance agreement committee is created to represent the state in developing performance agreements under this section and RCW 28B.10.920 and 28B.10.921. The committee is composed of representatives from the governor's office, the office of financial management, the higher education coordinating board, the office of the superintendent of public instruction, two members of the senate appointed by the secretary of the senate, and two members of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives. The state performance agreement committee shall be staffed by personnel from the higher education coordinating board.
(2) Each of the participating institutions shall develop a preliminary draft of a performance agreement with input from students and faculty. The governing boards of the public four-year institutions of higher education shall designate performance agreement representatives for each institution respectively that shall include two faculty members at those institutions bargaining under chapter 41.76 RCW, at least one of whom shall be appointed by the exclusive collective bargaining agent and the other appointed by the faculty governance organization of that institution. If the participating pilot institution does not bargain under chapter 41.76 RCW, then two faculty members shall be appointed by the faculty governance organization of that institution. The associated student governments or their equivalents shall designate two performance agreement representatives at those institutions. Starting with the preliminary drafts, the state performance agreement committee and representatives of each institution shall develop revised draft performance agreements for each institution and submit the revised drafts to the governor and the fiscal and higher education committees of the legislature no later than September 1, 2008.
(3) After receiving informal input on the revised draft performance agreements, particularly regarding the levels of resources assumed in the agreements, the state committee and institution representatives shall develop final proposed performance agreements and submit the agreements to the governor and the office of financial management by November 1, 2008, for consideration in development of the governor's 2009-2011 operating and capital budget recommendations.
(4) The state committee shall submit any legislation necessary to implement a performance agreement to the higher education committees of the senate and house of representatives.
(5) All cost items contained within a performance agreement are subject to legislative appropriation.
(6) If the legislature affirms, through a proviso in the 2009-2011 omnibus appropriations act, that the omnibus appropriations act and the 2009 capital budget act enacted by the legislature align with the proposed performance agreements, the performance agreements shall take effect beginning July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2015. If the legislature affirms, through a proviso in the 2009-2011 omnibus appropriations act or through inaction, that the omnibus appropriations act and/or the 2009 capital budget act are not aligned with the proposed performance agreements, the state committee and institution representatives shall redraft the agreements to align with the enacted budgets, and the redrafted agreements shall take effect beginning September 1, 2009, through June 30, 2015.
(7) The legislature, the state committee, and the institution representatives shall repeat the process described in subsection (6) of this section for each subsequent omnibus appropriations and capital budget act enacted between the 2010 and 2014 legislative sessions to ensure that the performance agreements are updated as necessary to align with enacted omnibus appropriations and capital budget acts.
[2008 c 160 § 4.]
Notes: Findings -- Intent -- 2008 c 160: See note following RCW 28B.10.920.