24.20.040 - Reincorporation.


Any lodge or society, or the members thereof, having heretofore attempted to incorporate as a body under the provisions of an act entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of associations for social, charitable and educational purposes," approved March 21st, 1895 [*chapter 24.16 RCW], such lodge or society may incorporate under its original corporate name by complying with the provisions of RCW 24.20.010 and 24.20.020: PROVIDED, That such lodge or society shall attach to and file with the articles of incorporation provided for in this chapter a certificate duly signed, executed and attested by the officers of the said corporation consenting to such reincorporation and waiving all rights of the original corporation to such corporate name.

[1903 c 80 § 4; RRS § 3868.]

Notes: *Reviser's note: "chapter 24.16 RCW" was repealed by the Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act, 1967 c 235, (chapter 24.03 RCW).